Mäe-Kõoküla and Jõeveere farm museum
We continue our trip from the same crossroad where we turned towards the bunker of Puutlipalo Forest Brothers, walking on along the forest path. We reach a clearing, cross the road and keep straight on. All this time we have Sitatarõlohk (shit farm hollow) on our left. Nobody knows whether there used to be an especially squalid farm, or whether the hollow was used as a toilet. The origin of place names is a fascinating topic in itself.
We cross the Kõrgõsilla–Kõo gravel road and continued along the forest path. On the crossroads we turn right, then right again. Again on a gravel road, we head left and find ourselves on Lindora–Kapera road. It is about 4.2 km from Kõrboja farm in Puutli village.
The sign by the bus stop points across the road: Mäekõoküla 1 km. We cross the road and the bridge. It can hardly be called a proper bridge, but the name is quite memeorable – Libusild (Slut’s bridge). Raadsioja spring must have been a bit bigger, why else build a bridge.
The gravel road takes us uphill. In 1684, there were 4 villages in Mäe-Kõoküla (Koiwukyla).
The farms of Mäe-Hõrna and Vana-Telgo stand on the slope. The road then turns, but our path goes straight on, along the ridge. Kõo-Kimba farm in the valley on the right.
We are kindly allowed to walk through the farmyard behind the sauna – the old road used to run there. Ilves farm is nearby. A field of buckwheat in front of the farm.
After the field, we turn right under the high-voltage line and reach Lindora–Jõeveere road.
A nice view of Ala-Jõeveere and Jõeveere farms in the primeval valley can be enjoyed on the other side of the road. From the Kõrboja farm in Puutli village we have covered a bit over 6 km.
The tired traveller can finally relax, as we can have a proper wash and accommodation at Jõeveere farm. Tents are welcome, and also 8 beds in the 100-year-old log cabin, plus an additional 8 beds in the two rooms of the barn house.
It is certainly worth seeing the Jõeveere farm museum, run with great enthusiasm by Ene, the mistress of the farm.
A collection of some old items acquired for herself has in a few years expanded into a large museum. All things come from the neighbourhood, mostly from Setumaa.
The museum exhibits include tools, lamps, crockery, embroidered doilies and much else. The aim is to maintain local history for future generations.
Jõeveere is a truly beautiful place in a river bend in the Piusa primeval valley.
Daila Aas, summer 2021
Accommodation for pilgrims
Jõeveere Holiday Village and Camp
Jõeveere farm, Lindora village, Vastseliina rural municipality, Võrumaa 65224;
Contact: Ene and Mart Viitkin, Tel. 5280952, 7867571; joeveerepuhkekula@gmail.com; www.joeveerepuhkekula.weebly.com
We ask you to book accommodation at least one week ahead!