A Spiritual and Cultural-Historical Journey
from Pirita to Vana-Vastseliina

Pilgrim’s route

From Vapramäe to the Voika Mill and forward from there to Nõo

We leaving Vapramäe by the Grand Postal Road, towards Tõravere Railway Station. On the bridge over the River Elva, we stand to take a look at the Tõravere Watermill.

Looking down to the other side of the River Elva, there is a somewhat oriental mood, where in peace and silence are rafts with tables under white sunshades, to await new fish lowers visitors. In the warm summer weekends the quiet Mill’s idyll turns an eating-drinking-noisy real life. If you want to eat fish here, it is wise to book table. Vapramäe Trout: phone +372 536 2666
It only takes a few steps to go and next eatery is already waiting. The Vapramäe Pub is located in a 130-year-old renovated stone garner. It also has a stylish villa and in summer you can rent a riverside sauna. Here you can eat properly and also stay overnight. Vapramäe Pub Vana Jäär, phone: +372 5645 2020 vapramäepubi@gmail.com

If both so important places have been to the traveler reviewed, the road will lead us forward. Soon we cross the Nõo Creek. In twenty minutes, we arrive from Vapramäe to Tõravere Railway Station.

We going over the railway and by the signpost, which shows to Nõo 3.4 km, we turn right. When the road is branching, we head to the left. By the magnificent house (which probably was the Meeri’s Herd Manor House), we choose a shortcut, that will take us to the Voika Watermill.


The first reports of the Voika Watermill by Voika Creek are from 1684. The Mill was on the Mansion’s land, the miller paid rent to the Mansion and grinded the grain. In return, his cow went to the Mansion’s herd, and the miller was allowed to cut the turf for free.
During the Soviet occupation, the Mill belonged to Nõo State Farm, from 1988 to Nõo Collective Farm. Currently, the Mill is once again owned by the former owners. The Voika’s family has been millers in there from generation to generation. For many years, those interested were able to look at the grinding, but unfortunately this is no longer possible, because the Mill is standing.
When we arrive at the Mill’s farm, the old master Peeter Voika, along with his wife are in the garden. We have a nice talk and when we leave, we get a big bag of delicious apples. Peeter Voika has been a fourteenth-generation miller of the Voikas family. The future of the Mill is already in the hands of the next generation.

We go back from the Mill to the Herd Mansion and the most left road will take us to the Suure-Lombi Farm. The farmer, a nice person, allows us to cross electric fence and go over the meadow – here, he says, in the old times went the road to Nõo and the Pilgrims may go boldly ahead. The Great Lombi goats set themselves in our tail in row and send us for a while.


When we reach the gravel road, we head to right. At the crossroads, where the signpost shows, left to Nõo 2 km, we go straight on.
The Suure-Lombi Farm stays half an hour behind, when we reach to the Nõo border. At the crossroads of the dehumidifier, we are still going straight ahead. Stepping by of the panel houses, the road surrounded by birch trees (Lao St.) leads us to Luke Street. On the asphalt road we turn left. From the Voika Mill take so far 3.5 km.

Daila Aas, in August 2018

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