From Kolga-Jaani to Rõika
At the end of Kolga-Jaani settlement just before the cemetery, turning right from Kolga-Jaani–Lalsi–Leie highway a little road. The guidepost shows to Oiu 16 km and to Kaavere 8 km. We need to go to the Lalsi cemetery, so that road suits to us.
After Kaavere road’s bus stops we reach to a gravel road. Starts the village of Eesnurga, which population according by the Estonian Statistics Office is 27 people. Immediately there is an old sacrificial stone along the road and by there a bench, which is dedicated to Mati Pajumäe, protector of heritage. Still too early for rest, we just started our day-way, but a brief ritual sitting on a nice bench seems to be absolutely mandatory.
To go ahead down the road, we see on the left side a decaying house. This was a former Kolga-Jaani (Võisiku) Municipality House.
If we have been walking away from Kolga-Jaan approximately three-quarter hours then Eesnurga ends and starts Odiste Village, population 64 people. The painting artists Peet Aren and Jüri Kask are born and bred in Odiste.
At the Kaasiku Bus Stop our way goes to the left and we walk forward until we see a first road on the left with sign Private Land. Let’s do not pay any attention to it and keep walking straight ahead by the road.
At ones we find ourselves middle of the butterfly’s flock. White and yellow butterflies are thin as air. They are God’s creation who fluttering everywhere, playing on your face, hands and hair. This is a perfect butterfly’s therapy.
Once we have passed the cowshed and the curious cattle herd, we find ourselves on the crossroads, then we turn to the left. At the end of the gravel road, just before reaching the asphalt on left opalesce small pond and stands large Mäe-Reinu Farm – place with the character.
On asphalt road (we are again on the Kolga-Jaani–Lalsi–Leie highway) turn right. Here is Reinu Bus Stop. By the Pajumäe Bus Stop are road signposts. To Lalsi directly is only 1 kilometer. If you are interested, go and come back. We have been there several times and we are turning now to the left to Vaibla and Meleski, but first to the Lalsi Cemetery.
When we arriving to Kukemiku Farm, then the gate of Lalsi’s Cemetery will appear. There is also an Odiste Bus Stop. At first, the domestic orthodox christians were buried in the old Orthodox Cemetery of Põltsamaa, but later was founded the Kolga-Jaani Orthodox Cemetery in Lalsi’s Village, which was consecrated on December 11th, 1850. The external borders of the cemetery are soil-covered and high-natured landscaped, which is traditional to the orthodox cemeteries. The main gate’s posts are stacked from broken limestone.
When we are rested and looked around a little bit on cemetery, we will move in curve straight ahead do not paying any attention to the Private Property sign.
Two and a half hours after leaving Kolga-Jaani, we are in Rõika. Here can traveler wash yourself off all sweat and dust with the water of Põltsamaa River, so to be fresh from the body and the spirit, to enter in to the history picture of Rõika.
Daila Aas in July, 2018